Accessibility is about equality
Brattleboro Savings & Loan is committed to meeting the needs of our community—as a whole and for each individual. That commitment is what drives our decisions and sense of mission. Should you have any issues accessing our website, mobile app, ATM, or any of our facilities, we want to give you the resources to get the information you need and deserve.
If you find you would like assistance with any aspect of BS&L, the best first step would be to call us directly at (802) 254-5333 or email us at We will work with you to find a solution that is tailored to your specific needs and requirements.
Brattleboro Savings & Loan wants to make sure that you get the access and information you need, so please help us by providing input and feedback about the accessibility of this website or our other technologies. If you are using assistive technologies like a screen reader, a magnifier, voice recognition software, switch technology, a TTY relay service or voice guidance headphones, our goal is to make your use of this technology convenient and effective.
If you would like to contact BS&L to discuss the ways in which we provide goods and services to people with disabilities or have concerns, please contact BS&L as directed above, or in writing.